IAmProfessional lying down using a computer with my feet to edit videos, attend meetings and voice my opinions to the wider world!
‘…what defines you as a professional today?’, is a question asked by LinkedIn for Creators as there is this new era of professionalism in the world where for the past two years, we were all put into the same boat. Working from home was the new normal and for the first time it was a level playing field (which wasn’t perfect for all).
When we had our first lockdown it was strange as going out was my normal. So having to stay indoors was something I had to get used to BUT what helped me through it was at the beginning of 2020 I said to myself, ‘2020 vision, I’m going to have a good year’ and I stuck to it. I adapted and made the most out of the situation – I actually slowed down and took a step back from the busy life that I lived to reflect on life. And my goodness how much of a difference it made to not be here there and everywhere all the time.
I used this time to learn new skills, such as photo editing, meditation and most importantly learning how to share my screen on Zoom and finding where the mute button was! I wanted to take advantage of this newfound time that we eventually would lose.
With all these skills learned and time that we will never get again, these past two years (especially 2021 and by joining LinkedIn) have taught me a very valuable lesson and that is even with a disability I am professional. I might lie down in meetings (which to some looks very unprofessional) to use the computer but people still give me opportunities, I might not be able to walk but I can talk with people wanting to listen, I might use my feet to tap on the keys and move my mouse but I can create outstanding videos and yes I might even forget to put myself on mute while in a very important meeting but people are kind enough to tell me to do so.
The tools, the job, whatever it may be does not determine someone’s professionalism it is the individual themselves who determines if they are professional or not. So, I ask you the question what defines you as a professional today?
By Isaac Harvey – Most Influential Disabled People in the UK 2021 Power 100 / President at Wheels and Wheelchairs / LinkedIn Creator / Disability Advocate / Honorary Freeman / Video Editor
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