- The biggest production by the brand yet takes an unexpected tack by portraying a turbulent phase for Mother’s Day, using special effects and an innovative format to speak to the highs and lows of mothers’ relationships with their children.
By going beyond childhood, this 360° campaign addresses the erasure of mothers of teenagers and reinforces the opportunity for mutual growth during this phase
São Paulo, May 2024 – O Boticário, the most beloved beauty brand in Brazil¹, is calling for a conversation about the stigma and challenges involving relationships between mothers and adolescent children in a new Mother’s Day campaign. A 2022 Harvard study indicated that the parents of teenagers feel just as lonely and depressed as their children, which has a direct effect on the development and consolidation of their relationship. Of the families surveyed, 18% of teenagers were dealing with anxiety, while 20% of mothers felt the same. Depression, meanwhile, affected 15% of teenagers and 16% of mothers. In this stage of life, which is so often seen as a frightening and turbulent, mothers and children are forced to rethink their roles in one another’s lives. Motherhood beyond early childhood is a challenging time of constant changes in family relationships.
“Tempest,” the brand’s film, is considered its largest production yet to mark the date, in a realistic format that connects to viewers and engages them in a short film of around 4 minutes. With integrated communication across multiple of the brand’s channels, the campaign – which also includes gift experiences at Boticário stores – is designed to encourage mothers to shed their insecurity and embark on a journey of building mutual trust.
“In this campaign, we’re looking to call attention to what’s widely seen as one of the most turbulent and loneliest stages in motherhood, and which often doesn’t get as much attention as it ought in the conversations around Mother’s Day,” says Marcela De Masi, the executive director of Branding and Communications at the Boticário Group. “That’s why we’re encouraging in-depth dialogues and reflections so that mothers can identify and, hand in hand with their children, embark on a path of mutual rediscovery, trust, and growth. After all, motherhood is an experience that’s lived day by day, throughout every stage of life.” The film, set to Billie Eilish, moves outside the conventional market framing for the date and introduces viewers to a home, shot in a special studio, that perfectly depicts the highs and lows of the relationship between mothers and their teenage children – as well as making a splash with special effects, such as thundering waves and howling winds.
In a delicate, poetic juxtaposition, a raging storm runs in parallel with a heated argument, expressed through striking, powerful gazes between the actors portraying the experiences of mother and teenager. The turbulent scenes echo the challenges of adolescence. During the film, the sky blackens, the wind tears through what was once a house, and the rain whips down in sheets, showing that mother and son are in the thick of a storm on the high seas. Just as quickly, however, the waves calm down and the storm breaks, bringing reconciliation. The movement of the cameras symbolizes all the adversities that may be dealt with, reinforcing that, as hard as it may be, this stage calls for support, affection, and acceptance; and the audience is left with the reassurance that this, too, will pass.
Developed by agency AlmapBBDO, produced by MyMama Entertainment, and directed by the duo Kid Burro, the film is set to premiere on basic cable today, April 16th, during a break in the soap opera “Renascer.” According to Marcela de Masi, O Boticário’s commemorative campaigns always address relevant issues that reinforce a sense of identification and belonging for thousands of Brazilian mothers. And this year, the brand wants to touch on something even more intimate and genuine by representing just what this stage of life demands of mothers.
For Marco “Pernil” Giannelli, CCO at AlmapBBDO, the brand’s approach to these topics is a powerful and relevant one, mobilizing not only the brand’s existing community, but society as a whole. “This time, apart from the concept, we were able to innovate in the format,” he explains. “The film is longer and more metaphorical, with a soundtrack that fits like a glove – it appeals to young people and touches the hearts of mothers and everyone else who was once a teenager.”
Beyond its innovative and hyper-realistic format, “Tempest,” which involved over 200 people and nearly 30 hours of shooting, includes a sustainable initiative executed by production company My Mama Entertainment and Eccaplan. In order to neutralize the carbon emissions of filming, over 7 tons of CO2 were compensated and 42 trees were planted. Participants also got on board with the “Sou Resíduo Zero” campaign, ensuring that all solid waste was disposed of in an environmentally friendly fashion. In keeping with the active sustainability agenda in its DNA, O Boticário has once again demonstrated its dedication to sustainability and its contribution to reducing environmental impacts, even when it comes to audiovisual production.
Brazil’s most beloved beauty brand is now gearing up for a robust series of initiatives across all of its communications channels. On two weekends in May – Friday the 3rd, Saturday 4th and 10th and Sunday 5th and 11th – the brand’s concept stores in Shopping Morumbi, in São Paulo, and Pátio Batel, in Curitiba will host live card personalization events for purchases over R$200, offering up a unique experience for those searching for the perfect gift. Artists Lu Simão, in São Paulo, and Lila Fisbein, in Curitiba, will adorn cards with floral elements and watercolors to produce truly unique illustrations. Up through Mother’s Day, on May 12th, the public will be able to follow along with digital activations, talks, and immersive experiences that will inspire reflections, dialogue, and beauty for this special date.