Cheese or pepperoni? Thin crust or deep dish? How about purpose-driven or excess profit-driven? Today, Newman’s Own, Inc., a company well-known and respected for its innovative business model with a commitment to giving 100% of its profits away to nourish and transform the lives of children facing adversity, reveals the results of its novel Good Tastes Better™ social experiment. In a blind taste test where brand names were not disclosed, participants were asked to sample slices of frozen pizza accompanied by different descriptions — some focusing on a commitment to giving 100% of profits to children, and others focusing on a company’s commitment to funding corporate excess. Unbeknownst to participants, each slice of frozen pizza was actually the same: Newman’s Own Margherita Pizza.
The blind taste test revealed that participants consistently rated pizza slices described as “giving 100% profits to help kids” far higher, with an average rating of 8.5 out of 10. In contrast, slices presented as supporting excessive executive bonuses and lavish perks received a low average rating of 2.9, despite the fact that every slice was the same. The significant difference in rating for each slice draws an important conclusion…consumers’ perceptions of taste are highly influenced by a brand’s values and its mission.
“Our experiment suggests that the good a brand does in the world can have a significant impact on the taste experience of just about anything,” says Newman’s Own Interim Chief Growth Officer Peter Kaye. “Does pizza that gives 100% of its profits to help kids actually taste better than pizza that supports the excesses of some businesses? We found that it sure does!”
Kaye additionally notes that despite the experiment’s playful angle, it highlights a genuine issue in American business. While many companies claim to care about purpose and social impact, they often prioritize profit over purpose, including extreme executive bonuses and elaborate company perks. The execution of the Newman’s Own Good Tastes Better™ experiment sought to emphasize the contrast between typical corporate behavior and companies that genuinely lead by example and demonstrated that food that does good for the community truly tastes better.
The campaign was created by DCX Growth Accelerator. The digital media strategy agency for the campaign is Stella Rising and The Door is handling earned media and influencer relations.