After the success of 2023, the campaign conceived by Reply group’s agency is back, expanding to include other brands. The goal is to spread the prevention message to as wide an audience as possible.
It all starts with the stickers. The special pink ribbon-adorned label featuring the brand’s female icon – Miss Chiquita – in a self-exam pose, appears for the first time on all bananas in the market during October. Over 200 million stickers worldwide, reminding people of the importance of prevention and early detection of breast cancer.
To strengthen the message further, another major international brand, also represented by a female icon in its logo, joins Chiquita: De Cecco. In a series of social content and a dedicated print campaign, De Cecco’s iconic figure also takes on the self-exam pose, responding to Miss Chiquita’s invitation. This gesture is suggested and promoted by Fondazione AIRC, the Italian foundation that collaborates with Chiquita on the campaign, along with other charitable organizations worldwide (USA, Germany, Netherlands, Greece, Sweden and Finland are involved). In the first scene of the 30” film for Fondazione AIRC’s Pink Ribbon Campaign, now on air in Italy and created too by Bitmama Reply, the protagonist stands in front of a mirror in the typical self-exam pose. This synergy seeks to reinforce once again the collaboration between the two brands in support of this important cause.
The campaign is on air through various OOH formats all over the globe, including large displays in exclusive locations in Rome and Milan in Italy, along with Frankfurt and Cologne in Germany and Athens in Greece. It is then enriched by urban decorations and digital totems placed in strategic points, including subway and train stations. A related print campaign appears on the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera and on the Wall Street Journal in USA.
Finally, to support the initiative, there is a planned social campaign on Chiquita’s official channels and an activation, again on social media in Italy, USA and Greece, engaging micro-communities and their followers to imitate Miss Chiquita’s pose, encouraging them to share their photos with the hashtag #SmallChangeBigDifference. It’s a way to spread the campaign’s message to as many women as possible. Because even in 2024, when it comes to breast cancer prevention, a small gesture can make a big difference.