Since 2022, Final Frontier and vivo have charmed audiences with a series of animated shorts featuring an elderly feline couple, each focused-on love-themed special occasions. This latest film “Cat King” was released on the internet-coined “520 festival” , a kind of a unofficial Valentine’s Day in China – inspired by the fact that 520 in Chinese sounds like 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ, which means “I love you”. With this romantic set up, this third film showcases the lovely couple, A.K.A. Grandma Cat and Grandpa Cat, on a heartwarming new adventure that also highlights the exceptional camera capabilities of the vivo X100 mobile phone.
Through vivid visual effects and storyline, the story features the idol “Cat King,” a flurry feline version of Elvis Presley. In China, Presley is commonly referred to as “Cat King,” a combination of his early days alias “the Hillbilly Cat” and the later “the King”.
At the Maoshan Cat Sea’s gig, Cat King is wearing Presley’s iconic 1972 red jumpsuit outfit. Looks wonderfully outrageous. But, soon the conflict arises when the couple’s attempts to get closer in order to see the show. After a few failed attempts, they end up stranded atop a billboard. As fallen from the sky, a vivo X100 phone falls into Grandpa Cat’s hands, allowing them to capture clear photos of the rock ‘n’ roll star using the phone’s advanced telephoto zoom lens. The film’s core theme, “Let love be close at hand,” is expressed as Grandpa Cat becomes the superstar in Grandma Cat’s eyes.
Storytelling plays a key role in this ad, effectively engaging the audience and highlighting the main features of the product through the plot. Accompanied by the most approachable and warm pictures and lens language, it not only retains the adorable characters, but also cleverly uses the new mobile’s feature, as the biggest story reversal, solving the plot’s conflict and showing the main selling point of the product as a concert photography tool with a humorous and heartwarming twist.
Once again, Final Frontier has meticulously crafted this two-minute CGI film, with a super-cute overall atmosphere. The exquisite details, from fine hair rendering to the delicate expressions, and the introduction of the Elvis-inspired Cat King, significantly enhance the film’s quality and immersive appeal. From the luminous plants, flowers and butterflies to the Elvis hot air balloon, the creation of the singing stage and the iconic vivo billboard, all elements are carefully designed, showing again Final Frontier’s know-how in adding production value and emotion to a story.
About vivo: vivo is an innovator and market leader in the smartphone and accessory industry. With a mission to build a bridge between humans and the digital world, vivo is committed to innovation and high-quality products.
About Zombie: Zombie Studio is a multi-awarded 3D character-driven animation studio known for short films that carry emotional punch & branded content projects that showcase what companies have best.
Led by Creative Director and Founder Paulo Garcia, Zombie has been awarded more than 30 Cannes Lions, over 1 billion views in their videos, and won the title of Best Animation Studio in Latin America in 2017 by Ciclope Festival and Best Post Production Company in 2019 (London International Awards – LIA).
About Final Frontier: Final Frontier is a creative production company specialized in Advertising, Experiential, Entertainment & Arts. Crafting designs, characters and stories in all styles, and from every time zone.