DDB Mudra Group, in collaboration with McDonald’s India (West and South), has embarked on a groundbreaking journey into the vibrant realm of anime with the launch of ‘WcDonald’s’ in the country. Inspired by the fervent anime fandom among Gen Z, WcDonald’s pays homage to the beloved anime culture, capturing the imagination of fans and creators alike.
At the heart of this immersive experience lies the limited-time offering of the Savoury Chili WcDonald’s Sauce, meticulously crafted to tantalize taste buds with its symphony of flavors. Infused with a captivating blend of ginger, garlic, soy, and a hint of chili flakes, this sauce promises an explosion of energy with every delectable bite. Designed to echo the fearless and dynamic personas of beloved anime heroes, the Savoury Chili WcDonald’s Sauce offers an enticing culinary adventure for anime enthusiasts, perfectly complementing fan-favorite menu items such as the 10-piece WcNuggets (Chicken McNuggets) and more. To add an extra layer of excitement, fans will receive manga-inspired packaging featuring WcDonald’s Crew characters, sketched by iconic Japanese manga artist/illustrator Acky Bright, for a limited time.
In a nod to the rich tapestry of anime aesthetics, McDonald’s India has undergone a transformative makeover with its iconic restaurant at Linking Road in Bandra, Mumbai. Conceptualized and brought to life by DDB Mudra Group, the WcDonald’s restaurant transports diners into a realm where fantasy seamlessly intertwines with fandom. The restaurant’s décor and ambiance have been meticulously curated to capture the essence of beloved anime worlds, offering patrons an immersive dining experience like never before.
Arvind R. P., Chief Marketing Officer of McDonald’s India (W&S), expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “Anime culture is booming in India, particularly among Gen Z. For years, anime fans have been bringing their favorite brands to life within the Anime universe. The McDonald’s-inspired ‘WcDonald’s’ is a testament to this phenomenon. We are thrilled to authentically manifest the WcDonald’s universe in our restaurants, inviting fans to be part of our story like never before.”
Rahul Mathew, Chief Creative Officer of DDB Mudra Group, echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the significance of acknowledging and celebrating the anime community’s passion. He stated, “You’ll be surprised how big the anime community is in India. And we realized that the anime universe has been tipping its hat to McDonald’s through its many avatars. We felt the best way to acknowledge and celebrate this community was to bring one of the avatars from the anime world to the real world.”
Complementing this unique initiative are four captivating anime-themed brand films produced by renowned animation house Studio Pierrot. These episodic shorts explore the flavorful WcDonald’s Sauce and Chicken WcNuggets, enriching fans’ immersion in the enchanting world of WcDonald’s. The films will be available on McDonald’s India’s owned social channels, further enhancing the brand’s engagement with its audience.
Experience the magic of the Savoury Chili WcDonald’s Sauce at your nearest McDonald’s store in West & South India, or enjoy it from the comfort of your home via the McDelivery platform. As McDonald’s India continues to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity, fans can look forward to more exciting adventures in the immersive world of WcDonald’s.